Sunday morning worship starts at 10:00 am each week. You are invited to join us.
MEN’S SUNDAY January 26, 2025
Greeters Herman Johnson and Franklin Perkins
Welcome and Announcements Colt Davis
Prayer Larry Heller
Worship in Song
Scripture Reading 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 Richard Gibson
Testimony Sonny Arnold
Introduction of Speaker Rev. Greg Vogt
Sermon “Act Like a Man” Rev. David Vogt
Invitation Hymn 426 Victory in Jesus
Benediction Barry Elwood
Sunday Services Broadcast Live on YouTube and FaceBook
We now have two options to view the Sunday morning worship service if you are not able to attend in person. Click on the YouTube link below to view the Sunday service starting at 10 am. Bybee’s Road Baptist Church – YouTube
If you have a Facebook account, you can view the 10 am Sunday worship service by looking up the Bybee’s Road Baptist Church Facebook page.