Bereavement Team
Focus: Persons affected by the death of a loved one. This is a ministry of visitation to the home, funeral home, funeral service as well as providing some care items in this time of need (coffee pot, paper supplies, etc).
Casserole Team
Focus: Persons affected by a time of crisis and/or upheaval of their normal schedule. This is a ministry of providing food for those dealing with other issues in their lives. Food is provided in several ways and delivered (home cooked, purchased, gift certificate).
Celebration Team
Focus: The entire congregation (and beyond). This is a ministry that plans and invites our church family to celebrate – the love of God, the people He places in our lives, special events and special occasions.
Connections Team
Focus: Persons for whom a weekday contact from the church will fill a void. This ministry of encouragement is centered on contact by personal visitation, phone calling or writing. It may, on occasion, include providing or helping locate assistance with transportation or minor home repair needs.
Hospital Visitation Team
Focus: Persons who are affected by hospitalization. This is a ministry of visitation for those in the hospital, short or long term.
Mission Action Team
Focus: Persons who desire to join in God’s global and local mission projects. This is a ministry of supporting missions, either by going on mission trips, helping to raise funds for mission trips or enlisting prayer support for those on mission. The church has participated in missions to Ukraine, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, New Orleans, Lake Placid, Kentucky and Appalachia.
Prayer Team
Focus: Persons and activities whose needs call out for intercessory prayer. This is a ministry of offering prayer along with prayer cards from the church and personal notes of encouragement.
Fluvanna Christian Service Society
Fluvanna Christian Service Society is an ecumenical group of the Fluvanna County churches established to focus on the needs of this county’s residents and to find ways in which those needs can best be met. Programs include maintaining a community Food Bank and providing fuel assistance as well as other short-term essential services. Two community worship services – a Baccalaureate service for the Fluvanna County High School graduating class in May and a Thanksgiving service in November are held each year. The Happy Face Christmas event provides a day of gift giving, holiday food baskets and a Santa party for the children and senior adults who qualify for assistance. Churches offer financial support through their respective budgets as well as special offerings and are represented at the monthly board meetings. Volunteer opportunities abound in all of these activities. FCSS meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at 10:00 am (except July, August and December) at the Palmyra United Methodist Church, 434-842-3716.
Live Nativity
As you drive along Bybees Church Road during Christmas week, you will encounter a tableau that takes you back two thousand years. In the cold, quiet night you will see Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus in the humble stable, surrounded by animals. Shepherds, angels and wise men silently celebrate the birth of our Lord. Started in 1996, Bybee’s Road Baptist Church has created an uplifting experience for travelers along Route 613 in Fluvanna County.
Youth Ministry
Our goal is to give our youth meaningful activities and opportunities for Christian fellowship. They participate in the Fluvanna County Youth meetings each month, sponsor fund raisers for trips, attend retreats and conferences that help them grow in their Christian experience.