Sunday School Classes

Preschool Division
Nursery (Available for all services)
Room: 1-6

Toddlers (2-5 years)
Room: 2-3
Teacher: Miranda Butler, Diane Moore

Children’s Division

First – Fifth Grade
Room: 2-5
Teacher: Jeanette McCloud

Youth Division
Sixth – Eighth Grade
Room: 2-2
Teacher:  Jeanette McCloud

Ninth – Twelfth Grade
Room: B-3
Teacher: Jeanette McCloud

Adult Division
Life Group Bible Study – Young Adults
Room: 2-1
Teacher: Sue Loving

Senior Adults – Bible study from the senior adult perspective
Room: 1-3  meeting on Mondays at 11:00 in the Fellowship Hall
Teachers: Joyce Gibson, Elaine Pleasants

The Study Group – “Nurturing Faith” Baptists Today Bible Studies
Room: meeting on Thursdays at 10:00 am at the parsonage 4545 Bybee Church Road
Teacher: Sharon Frazier, Emily Easter

Works Class – “Nurturing Faith” Baptists Today Bible Studies
Room: 1-3  meeting on Sundays at 9:00 in the Fellowship Hall
Teachers:  rotating schedule

Look below for the location of the Sunday School entrance: