Sundays |
9:00 am |
Sunday School (view list of classes) |
10:00 am |
Worship Service |
11:15 am
3rd Sunday Church Council meets
11:15 am
4th Sunday of each quarter: Quarterly Business Meeting in the sanctuary
Mondays |
9:00 am
11:00 am
Men’s Bible Study meets at the parsonage.
Senior Adult Sunday School meets in the Fellowship Hall
Tuesdays |
7:00 pm
Home Group Bible Study at Chisholm’s home
Wednesdays |
7:00 pm
Deacons meet first Wednesday of each month
7:00 pm
Stewardship meets 2nd Wednesday of each month
Thursdays |
10:00 am
The Study Group meets at the parsonage 4545 Bybee’s Church Road
7:30 pm
Alcoholics Anonymous meets weekly in the fellowship hall
Saturdays |
Gather to Worship, Live the Word, Reach the World